All beachfront lots and Casitas in Phase 1 have been serviced with a potable water connection. The water quality is excellent and the aquifer abundant!
2.2Km of 4″ Schedule 40 PVC was laid to connect the main well in the back of the property to the current 10,000gal storage tank near the entrance. The last test produced 60 gallons per minute for 11 straight hours.
Our well has a depth of 54.7 meters and a static water level of 6.7 meters. It is considered the best aquifer in the area.
Potable water accessibility is an extremely important consideration when considering where to buy property along the Emerald Coast of Nicaragua. Not every development will have a quality water supply comparable to El Astillero Resort!
1. Potable water infrastructure
2. Local Labor
No heavy equipment machines were used during the course of constructing our potable water infrastructure. 40 local workers in need of an income were hired instead! Our costs were higher but well worth the investment, as the income earned in the process resonated throughout the community.
They did an incredible great job also. The lines are straight and true! 2.2km of trenches 1 meter deep and all PVC connections and terminations installed in 4 weeks!
3. 10,000 gallon storage tank
4″ PVC lines are in place between the well in back of the property and the storage tank near the entrance. This diameter pipe was necessary to ensure delivery of an adequate volume water supply over the length of the 2 km distance between the well and the tank.
4. Quality Plumbing supplies to USA standards
Highest quality valves and connections were used.
5. Job complete!
The system maintained 130psi for 24 hours Mission accomplished!